Career Information

Career Information consists of print, electronic, personal contacts and other resources that assist the process of career development. The basic purpose of career information is to ensure students are able to make informed choices about their career pathways. Students may have to make choices about their Year 9 GCSE options, their post-16 destinations, or Work Experience placements.

A student’s Start account is a major source of Career Information. It is regularly updated, is specific to a student’s interests (once their profile has been completed), and provides information based on a student’s geographical location. If a student is looking for information about education options or the World of Work, then they will be signposted to find the information on Start.

Students can also ask for information from the Career Coordinator, Carmen Blades, or the Post-16 Off-site Education Support Worker, Charlie Scott. Students may be signposted to online sources of information, or they may be provided with printed information.

Careers Start Profile