Career Advice & Guidance

Career Advice can be given by anyone. In school, career advice is often given by subject teachers when they suggest that a student has the ability to go on to Further Education to study that subject. A tutor might give advice to a student when they suggest that they are ready to leave school based on the tutor’s assessment of their Essential Skills and P4A Mastery. As part of the curriculum, staff and visitors might provide career advice in the form of mock interview or CV workshops. All staff in the Career Programme Team are able to give Career Advice that students and their families will find useful

Career Guidance refers to the impartial guidance provided by a Registered Career Development Professional (RCDP) working to the Career development Institute’s Code of Ethics. Rob Cooper is the School’s RCDP. All students are allocated a 50-minute Career Guidance meeting when they are in:

  • Year 9 to support GCSE and other option choices
  • Year 11 to support Post-16 destination choices
  • Year 14 to support transition choices away from Maplewell
  • Year 12 and 13 to support a move into College or into the workplace

Additionally, Parents and Carers are able to book an appointment for Careers Guidance with Rob Cooper at all parents’ evenings.