Homework Policy

Approved by Governing Body at Maplewell Hall School

To download a copy of the Homework Policy, please click HERE.

At Maplewell Hall School we believe that learning extends far beyond the parameters of the classroom.  Opportunities for learning at home and in the wider community are valuable opportunities for students to learn new skills and to practice skills learnt at school.  We believe that parents/carers play a vital role in home learning.

We value the support of parents/carers, and we believe that this policy will be successful if there is a strong partnership between home and school which is reflected in the Home-School Agreement.


Homework is encouraged throughout the school. To be most effective parents, carers, staff and pupils need to understand its purpose.


  • Reinforces skills which have been taught in school and gives pupils the opportunity to practice what they have learnt;
  • Encourages self-discipline as the pupils can take responsibility for their own learning;
  • Promotes independent learning;
  • Provides teachers with the opportunity to support and extend individual pupils;
  • Sets standards for life and pupils become accustomed to working at home, preparing them for college and future employment;
  • Encourages pupils to share their learning with parents and carers;
  • Encourages parents/carers to become involved with their child’s learning

We value the support of parents/carers and we believe that this policy will be successful if there is a strong partnership between home and school, which is reflected in the Home-School Agreement. We recognise that all children need leisure time, and hope that our policy reflects a balance so that children can extend and consolidate their learning with parental support while still allowing ‘down time’.


We see the positive impact reading has on pupils’ progress in school and therefore we encourage students to read at home daily. Reading for pleasure is valued at all times and is not just confined to the total time spent completing homework. We want to promote a love of reading in every child. We encourage parents and carers to discuss their child’s books and ask questions about them to ensure that there is understanding of their book as well as accurate reading.

Homework Schedules

Homework is given on a regular basis throughout the school following the schedule below. From time to time, homework may vary in response to a particular activity such as an educational visit. Homework content may be set as a project, written piece of homework or may include reading, games and activities to reinforce literacy, maths, science or other skills. For older pupils, homework may include completing work set in class, finding out information, preparing a presentation, designing and/or making something, trying out a simple scientific experiment and solving problems. As with all work set, homework is monitored and marked using the school Marking Policy.  The table below gives the agreed amount of homework for children.

Tasks/Activities/Subject Areas: Our expectations are that:


Students are encouraged to read daily.

Students are encouraged to do weekly times tables.

Home leaning projects, linked to class themes, will be set every half term.

School may provide additional homework and revision materials for Key Stage 3 students as required.



KS4 & KS5

Students are encouraged to read daily.

Students are encouraged to do weekly times tables.

Students will complete a literacy, maths and science task/game/activity every two weeks in rotation.

 Towards the exam season school will provide additional homework and revision materials for students studying towards GCSE accreditation.




Home Learning Projects

As part of our curriculum, all classes in KS3 will be asked to complete a home learning project at least once every half term. The projects will be cross curricular and linked to school programmes of study. The projects are linked to the class learning theme and students have a choice of different tasks (Enjoy – Aspire – Challenge) to complete at home. We believe the projects are a great opportunity for parents and carers to work alongside their child, enhancing their learning experience.


It is our expectation that homework will be completed carefully and returned on time. Teachers will offer opportunities throughout the week to provide support for students to help them with any homework that is difficult to complete.  This might happen during tutor time, lunch time or after school homework club. Unfinished, poor quality or missing work will need to be completed during lunchtimes. Where homework is not complete on more than two occasions, parents or carers will be contacted by the class teacher. Class teachers will work closely in their Key Stages to ensure that similar content and expectations between classes is in place. A Homework Club will be provided if needed for students who wish to complete some of their tasks at school.

The Headteacher will:

  • Promote the school homework policy to staff, parents and pupils
  • Monitor and evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the policy

Teachers will:

  • Set regular homework activities which will include both practical and written tasks
  • Create a homework folder to keep evidence of students work
  • Updated homework mark books on Go4schools
  • Provide adequate and appropriate feedback to pupils through praise and encouragement, marking or testing (as appropriate)
  • Set high expectations of pupils in completing homework
  • Support students when required with homework

Parents/Carers will:

  • Provide a suitable place where your child(ren) can do their home learning – somewhere reasonably peaceful, with supervision if appropriate
  • Make it clear to your child that you value home learning, and support the school in explaining how it can help raise attainment
  • Provide activities that support the homework set by the teacher
  • Ensure and check that tasks are completed on time and to a suitable standard
  • Be actively involved in homework activities with the children
  • Contact the children’s class teacher if they have any questions or queries.

Pupils will:

  • Do their best to complete tasks as instructed
  • Ask for help as appropriate
  • Gain increased motivation and enjoyment through home learning
  • Highlight to the Student Voice any ideas they may have to improve homework

Monitoring and Evaluation

The class teacher is responsible for ensuring that the homework policy is efficiently and effectively implemented within their class. This will be monitored by the Deputy Headteacher and Assistant Headteacher in order to ensure homework is contributing to overall pupil learning and progress.

Inclusion and Equal Opportunities

All children are provided with equal access to homework that is relevant to their current stage of learning. We aim to provide suitable learning opportunities regardless of gender, religion, ethnicity or home background.

Date updated: September 2019
Review date: September 2020
Written by: Kasia Glinka, Assistant Head, Teaching & Learning