What our students say about residential

Please find below the results of a survey given to 12 students staying during April 2016


strongly agree Agree Disagree N/A
My Recent stay was enjoyable. 9 3
strongly agree Agree Disagree N/A
I liked my bedroom 6 6
strongly agree Agree Disagree N/A
I got on with the students I shared a room with. 5 4 3
strongly agree Agree Disagree N/A
I know who to talk to if I’m worried or have any concerns about residence 8 3 1
strongly agree Agree Disagree N/A
I would like to be offered residence again 8 3 1
strongly agree Agree Disagree N/A
I think I have learned new skills while in residence 4 8
strongly agree Agree Disagree N/A
Residence helps me to do better in school 7 5
What they liked most in residence Possible skills or activities you would like to learn
Spending time with Friends I would like to learn to play rugby
Heroclix  Art
The staff who do residence and having a room on my own  Bikes
Being with different people
The activities in residence
 Going on the computers.
 Spending time with Friends